Refereed Publications in Veterinary Textbooks and Journals
Curtis, C.F., Bond, R., Blunden, A.S., Thomson, D.G., McNeil, P.E. & Whitbread, T.W. (1995) Canine eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis in three cases. Journal of Small Animal Practice 36, 119 - 123
Bond, R., Ferguson, E.A., Curtis, C.F., Craig, J.M. & Lloyd, D.H. (1996) Factors associated with elevated cutaneous Malassezia pachydermatis populations in dogs with pruritic skin disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice 37, 103 - 107
Curtis, C.F. (1996) Use of a 0.25 per cent fipronil spray to treat sarcoptic mange in a litter of 5 week old puppies Veterinary Record 139, 43 - 44
Curtis, C.F., Evans, H & Lloyd, D.H. (1996) Investigation of the reproductive and growth hormone status of dogs affected by idiopathic recurrent flank alopecia. Journal of Small Animal Practice 37, 417 - 422
Forster-van Hijfte, M.A., Curtis, C.F. and White, R.N. (1997) Resolution of exfoliative dermatitis and Malassezia pachydermatis overgrowth in a cat after surgical thymoma resection Journal of Small Animal Practice, 8 451 - 454
Curtis, C.F. (1998) Use and abuse of topical dermatological therapy in the cat and dog : part 1; shampoo therapy.’ In Practice 20, 244 - 251
Curtis, C.F. (1998) Evaluation of the response to intradermally injected environmental mite allergen solutions in healthy kennelled dogs. In : Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Vol. 3. Eds Kwochka, K.W., Willemse, T. and von Tscharner, C. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 510 - 511
Curtis, C.F. (1998) Current methods of mite and tick control in the dog. In : Canine Medicine and Therapeutics, 4th edition. Ed. Gorman, N. Blackwell Science, London. 914 - 920
Curtis, C.F. (1998) Immunotherapy revisited. In : Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 3. Eds Kwochka, K.W., Willemse, T. and von Tscharner, C. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 398 - 399
Curtis, C.F. (1999) Pilot study to investigate the efficacy of a 1 per cent selenium sulphide shampoo of the treatment of equine chorioptic mange. Veterinary Record, 144, 674 - 675
Curtis, C.F. (1999) Use and abuse of topical dermatological therapy in dogs and cats, part 2. In Practice. 21, 448 - 454
Bond, R., Curtis, C.F., Ferguson, E.A., Mason, I.S. and Rest, J. (2000) An idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian cats. Veterinary Dermatology, 11, 35 - 41
Curtis, C.F. (2000) Control of recurrent superficial pyoderma in the dog; the value of immunomodulatory drugs and bacterins. Continuing Professional Development. 2, 95 - 97
Curtis, C.F. (2000) Dogs and ectoparasitic zoonoses. In: Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health. Eds Macpherson, C.N.L., Meslin, F.-X. and Wandeler, A.I.. CAB International, Guildford. pp 257 - 272
Curtis, C.F. (2001) Evaluation of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of canine sarcoptic mange. Veterinary Record. 148, 238 - 239
Bond, R. Curtis, C.F., Hendricks, A., Ferguson, E.A. and Lloyd, D.H. (2002) Intradermal test reactivity to Malassezia pachydermatis in atopic dogs. Veterinary Record 150, 448 - 449
Curtis, C.F. and Paradis, M. (2003) Sarcoptic mange, cheyletiellosis and trombiculosis. In : BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Dermatology, 2nd Edition. Eds Aiden Foster and Carol Foil. 146 - 152
Curtis, C.F. (2003) Assessing the canine ear. Veterinary Times, 33, 12 - 13
Curtis C.F. (2004) Current trends in the treatment of Sarcoptes, Cheyletiella and Otodectes mite infestations in dogs and cats. Veterinary Dermatology; 15:108-114.
Curtis, C.F., Lamport, A.I. and Lloyd, D.H. (2006) Masked, controlled study to investigate the efficacy of a S. intermedius autogenous bacterin for the control of canine idiopathic recurrent superficial pyoderma. Veterinary Dermatology 17, 163 - 168
Curtis C.F. (2007) Canine Pyotraumatic Dermatitis. UK Vet; Volume 12, no. 5, 63 - 68
Curtis C.F. (2012) Canine sarcoptic mange. UK Vet Volume 17, 32 – 36
Curtis C.F. (2012) ‘Ectoparasites’; In ‘BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Dermatology, 3rd Edition.’ Eds Hilary Jackson and Rosanna Marsella. 153 – 163
Curtis, C.F. (2014) Canine Mange Part 1 – Surface Mites. Review article for Companion Animal Journal; January 2014; Volume 19, no 1. Page 31 - 33
Curtis, C.F. (2014) An Atypical Atopic – Case report for Companion Animal Journal; April 2014, Volume 19, no 4, Page 204 - 211
Curtis, C.F. (2014) Canine Mange Part 2 – Subsurface Mites. Review article for Companion Animal Journal; November 2014, Volume 19, no 11. Page 562 - 567
Curtis, C.F., Bourdeau, PJ, Barr, PA and Mukherjee, R (2019). Use of the novel ectoparasiticide fluralaner in the treatment of feline sarcoptic mange. Veterinary Record Case Reports 7: e000772. Doi: 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000772. Published 29th January 2019
Curtis, C.F. (2019) Getting the most out of skin biopsies; When and who to take them. VETcpd, Volume 6, Issue 1; pp 10 - 14
Patel, A., Curtis, C.F., Cerundolo, R. (2019) Incidence of anti-Der f 2 and anti-Zen 1-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies in atopic dogs from south-east England. Veterinary Record 184, 317
Curtis, C.F. (2021) Ectoparasite infestation - clinical presentation. In: BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Dermatology, 4th Edition. Page 55 - 69
Curtis, C.F. (2022) Pruritus in dogs and cats part 1: what is pruritus and how do we approach the pruritic patient? The Veterinary Nurse, Volume 13; 355 - 360
Curtis, C.F. (2022) Pruritus in dogs and cats part 2: allergic causes of pruritus and the allergic patient. The Veterinary Nurse, Volume 13; 472 - 478